VIDEO | Terrible riots in the city of Liverpool. What is going on

Over 90 individuals were arrested following violent demonstrations organized by far-right groups across various UK towns and cities on Saturday. The unrest affected areas such as Hull, Liverpool, Bristol, Manchester, Stoke-on-Trent, Blackpool, and Belfast, where missiles were thrown, shops were looted, and police officers were attacked. While smaller demonstrations in other locations remained peaceful, these particular cities saw significant chaos.

Police in riot gear, accompanied by dogs, struggled to keep the opposing sides apart. Reinforcements were called in to help maintain order as the unrest continued into the early hours of Sunday. Fireworks were launched at police officers, and a library in the Walton area of Liverpool was set on fire.

Rioters attempted to hinder firefighters from extinguishing the blaze, according to Merseyside Police. Additionally, shops were broken into, and several wheelie bins were set on fire.

The police force confirmed that a number of officers were injured in what they described as “serious disorder.” Two officers were taken to the hospital, one with a suspected broken nose and the other with a suspected broken jaw. A total of 23 arrests were made in connection with the incidents.

Assistant Chief Constable Jenny Simms condemned the violence, stating, “The disorder, violence, and destruction have no place here in Merseyside, least of all after the tragic events that took place in Southport on Monday.” She added, “Those who engaged in this behavior bring nothing but shame to themselves and this city.”


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