Video of the day. Yamal and Williams playing rock paper scissors over water bottle

Spain’s young talents secured a convincing 4-1 victory over Georgia, propelling them into the Euro 2024 quarter-finals. The match started with a twist as an own goal by Robin Le Normand gave Georgia an early lead. However, Spain quickly equalized through Rodri’s precise strike, ensuring the teams went into halftime level.

The second half saw Spain’s dominance take full effect. Fabian Ruiz put La Roja ahead with a well-timed goal, followed by Nico Williams, whose pace and skill were too much for the Georgian defense. Dani Olmo then sealed the deal with a fourth goal, leaving no doubt about Spain’s superiority on the night.

Fans were treated to a delightful moment post-match when Lamine Yamal and Nico Williams playfully decided who would get the water bottle with a game of rock, paper, scissors. Both players had been pivotal on the flanks, showcasing the depth of talent in the Spanish squad.

With this victory, Spain sets up an exciting quarter-final clash against Germany. The win not only highlighted the team’s resilience but also the emergence of young stars ready to lead Spain to further glory in the tournament.


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